Donations - Help Support The Playhouse! (Icon Image)
Sunday, June 30, 2024 @ 12:00am
Delray Beach Playhouse
950 NW 9th Street

Show options

Please select the amount you would like to give as a donation to the playhouse. You can choose multiple amounts or choose one amount. Thank you for your generous decision on supporting The Delray Beach Playhouse. If you would like a Donation Letter to use for tax purposes, please let us know by giving us a call at (561) 272-1281. Delray Beach Playhouse is a not-for-profit 501c-3 Tax I.D. 59-0991183
Price Selection
$25 Donation - $25.00
$50 Donation - $50.00
$100 Donation - $100.00
$1,000 Donation - $1000.00
Custom Donation - $0.00